Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The lengend of the golden puffle may be true! That would be so cool. As you know secret agents a new mission came out on december 29, 2008. They may be uncovering the golden puffle! Penguins say that if they get it, the Golden Puffle may cost a lot of coins. HEADS UP!! You may want to start saving just in case the rumor is true! The Golden Puffle will be the new trend for a long time I supose. LOL!


This is sooo cool. YOU CAN FINALLY BE A NINJA ON CLUBPENGUIN. Of course you have to earn it. It's not easy either. You have to complete a series of diff. colored belts then wants you get to brown or black you have to try and beat sensie at the game. Penguins who are ninjas tell me he is easy wants you get to black or brown. You can challenge him at anytime, but you'll find it easier if you are black or brown belt.


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~No cussing
~You may advertise your blog or site on my comments, but you need to mention my blog on your site.
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Those are my rules. Some people are sensitive (like me) and can't handle to much trash talk. Please respect my rules, if you have a problem with any of these tell me in comments and I will defently look into what you said. If my reason overrules yours, please do not be upset, I may be able to make changes to where we're both happy.


I am full of advice. My advice has helped countless number of people. If you have something on your mind you may email me it and I will email you back asap. My email (incase you already don't know) is..... Please, nothing you say will be displayed to the public. It will be between you and I. I hope I can help you.

Waddle on futer and present penguins.